Reblog: Which One is Easier, TOEFL or IELTS?

Which one is easier, TOEFL or IELTS ?

Setiap orang tentu memiliki pandangan yang berbeda tentang definisi ‘mudah’ untuk dirinya. Maka jika Anda bertanya ujian mana yang lebih mudah antara TOEFL dan IELTS, jawaban yang Anda dapatkan kemungkinan besar akan mengarah kepada subjektifitas seseorang. Saya mungkin akan menghabiskan waktu cukup lama untuk membaca artikel-artikel bahasa Inggris, membaca artikel tersebut sama susahnya bagi saya saat harus memahami rubrik politik dalam koran ibukota. Rumit dan kadang sulit dicari inti permasalahannya. Continue reading “Reblog: Which One is Easier, TOEFL or IELTS?”

Track changes in LaTeX : latexdiff

For those who are familiar with Ms.Word you might know that there is a feature called Track Changes on the Review tab in Ms.Word. This feature is very useful to view tracked changes that we’ve made to the document. Now, how if we use LaTeX editor? Can we track changes in LaTeX? The answer is : Sure, you can. 🙂

I just figure out today that we can use latexdiff to view tracked changes in LaTeX. Here’s what I have done to make latexdiff works in my office PC. My  PC OS  is Windows XP Version 2002.

[contentblock id=1 img=adsense.png]

    1. Install Perl from
    2. Download latexdiff : e.g
    3. Unzip the latexdiff file and put it inside the directory where you have installed Perl (e.g Perl>bin)
    4. Set the Perl path in Windows
    5. Put the old and new file in the same folder with the latexdiff file.
    6. Compile the file from command prompt using this command:
      perl latexdiff old.tex new.tex > diff.tex
    7.  A diff.tex file will be created that shows the difference between your old and new files.
    8. You can compile it to a pdf file using MikTex editor as usual.


done! 🙂

LaTex issue: How to make the figure captions centered?

Couple days ago, I spent so many hours figuring out how to make my figure captions centered in LaTex. I use WindEdt 6 Editor and IEEE journal template for that. The problem was, the IEEE journal template will automatically make the figure captions  left justified. Several minutes later, I found a great page written by Michael Shell to solve this problem. Here’s the link :

According to the above link, basically what I need to do is to add an additional code in my tex file as follows:

[contentblock id=1 img=adsense.png]

[syntax type=”css”]
footnotesizebegin{center}{normalfontfootnotesize #1}
{normalfontfootnotesizescshape #2}end{center}%
setbox@tempboxahbox{normalfontfootnotesize {#1.}~~ #2}%
ifdim wd@tempboxa >hsize%
setbox@tempboxahbox{normalfontfootnotesize {#1.}~~ }%
parbox[t]{hsize}{normalfontfootnotesize noindentunhbox@tempboxa#2}%
hbox tohsize{normalfontfootnotesizehfilbox@tempboxahfil}fifi}

I have added the above code after my document class initialization in my tex file and it has worked perfectly for me. I really need to thank Michael Shell for his useful information regarding this matter :D. Hope this information will also help those who face the same problem.

Sekolah 5 Senti

Oleh: Rhenald Kasali *

Setiap kali berkunjung ke Yerusalem, saya sering tertegun melihat orang-orang Yahudi orthodox yang penampilannya sama semua. Agak mirip dengan China di era Mao yang masyarakatnya dibangun oleh dogma pada rezim otoriter dengan pakaian ala Mao. Di China, orang-orang tua di era Mao jarang senyum, sama seperti orang Yahudi yang baru terlihat happy saat upacara tertentu di depan Tembok Ratapan. Itupun tak semuanya. Sebagian terlihat murung dan menangis persis di depan tembok yang banyak celahnya dan di isi kertas-kertas bertuliskan harapan dan doa.

Perhatian saya tertuju pada jas hitam, baju putih, janggut panjang dan topi kulit berwarna hitam yang menjulang tinggi di atas kepala mereka. Menurut Dr. Stephen Carr Leon yang pernah tinggal di Yerusalem, saat istri mereka mengandung, para suami akan lebih sering berada di rumah mengajari istri rumus-rumus matematika atau bermain musik. Mereka ingin anak-anak mereka secerdas Albert Einstein, atau sehebat Violis terkenal Itzhak Perlman.

Continue reading “Sekolah 5 Senti”


It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.

– Albert Einstein