Liveblog: Weekly Pocket Collections, Up to December 15th

This weekly pocket collections would like to share some articles through liveblog way. Let’s start now.


  1. Fullscreen Pageflip Layout
  2. Decorative CSS Gallery – Part 2
  3. How to make an animated thumbnail
  4. Responsive Column Layouts 42


  1. Singly Launches “App Fabric” Platform For Developers To Speed Up Integrations With Dozens Of Services
  2. Adobe Brings Retina Display Support To Photoshop And Illustrator CS6 As A Free Update For All Users

WordPress 3.5 “Elvin” is here! So, what’s new?

What a nice combination! today is 12/12/2012 (121212) and WordPress launched new upgrade. Yes WordPress 3.5 called “Elvin”, in an honor of drummer Elvin Jones (who is he? I don’t know 😀 ). Anyway, So, what’s new here? let’s see the video.

What I like the most is “reimagining media”, it’s looked smoother and easier than ever. In my opinion, I don’t have to add 3rd party plugin anymore to make a gallery in the post. Well, what are you waiting for? update or download it now fellow, and enjoy the newest WordPress 🙂

Weekly pocket collection, December 8th

Hi readers!

I’ve been using pocket apps for several weeks now. And I got plenty of articles that I have saved on it from daily basis browsing since then. I thought it would be nice if I could share it with you. Well, here they are, my first “Weekly Pocket Collection, December 8th”.

  1. Gamma Gallery from tympanus
  2. Heading Set Styling with CSS
  3. WPMU’s Best in WordPress: November 5th – 11th
  4. 7 Fantastic Presentations from WordCamp and BuddyCamp Vancouver 2012
  5. Stop WordPress Content Thieves From Stealing Your Content – And Your Bandwidth
  6. Responsive CSS Timeline with 3D Effect
  7. 40+ essential WordPress plugins
  8. Tips and Plugins to Make a Multi-Author Blog More Manageable
  9. Z-Index And The CSS Stack: Which Element Displays First?
  10. 50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory
  11. Resources that matter
  12. Code smells in CSS
  13. How to Create Retina Graphics for your Web Designs
  14. IE10 CSS Hacks
  15. CSS Architecture
  16. How Fluid Grids Work in Responsive Web Design
  17. Typespiration – // treating typography with respect
  18. Design Patterns for Creating Exceptional User Interfaces on the Web

Hmm… I think that’s enough for now, have a happy reading mates! 🙂

WordPress self-hosting: How to change default email sender name?

Well, let’s get to the answers! So far, I’ve found two ways how to fix the problem.
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  1. I call it ‘a temporary trick’, anyway, let’s go to the wp-include directory and open pluggable.php, then search:
    $from_name = 'WordPress';

    and change it with your name (website name or anything you want).It’s simple and it works, indeed! Unfortunately we have a drawback here, you have to do it every time you update WordPress into the recent one. That’s why I called it a temporary trick. However I use it because it’s effective. Continue reading “WordPress self-hosting: How to change default email sender name?”

How I Added Video Post Format into Minds (TwentyEleven Child Theme)


Several days ago I got a feedback that asked me about how I added video post format into my Minds (TwentyEleven child theme). Unfortunately I could not reply the feedback yet since I am new to the contact form system by Jetpack (Automattic). I guess the feedbacks would appear in my email, instead, it appeared on the feedbacks menu on the dashboard (shame on me 😛 ). That’s why I would like to try to explain here the way I added video format into child theme, in this case, Minds child theme. Continue reading “How I Added Video Post Format into Minds (TwentyEleven Child Theme)”

Mac OS: Memperbaiki masalah FTP login di WordPress pada XAMPP (localhost)

Mungkin sebagian dari anda pernah mengalami kesulitan ketika akan mengupload plugin atau theme WordPress yang menggunakan XAMPP sebagai server dan Mac OS sebagai platformnya karena dia meminta username dan password untuk FTP lokal. Masalah ini pula yang saya temui ketika saya mencoba mendevelop web berbasis WordPress di Linux maupun di Mac OS. Kemudian saya mencari beberapa solusi di internet, dan beberapa solusi yang saya temukan tidak memecahkan masalah. Salah satu contohnya adalah menggunakan username ‘nobody’ dan password ‘localhost’.

Lalu sampailah saya di web ini, pendekatan yang digunakan cukup radikal tapi efektif menyelesaikan masalah. Singkatnya, cara yang digunakan adalah mengoverride ‘nobody’ pada ‘httpd.conf’ dengan username Mac OS anda, langkahnya sebagai berikut.

Edit httpd.conf sebagai Admin

Buka ‘terminal’ lalu ketikkan baris perintah di bawah ini. Perintah tersebut bertujuan untuk membuka aplikasi TextEdit untuk mengedit berkas ‘httpd.conf’. Selain TextEdit, bisa digunakan juga aplikasi teks lain yang disukai seperti SublimeText dsb.

sudo /Applications/ /Applications/XAMPP/etc/httpd.conf

Ubah user name dan group name

Selanjutnya cari dua baris berikut,

User nobody
Group admin

ubah dengan ‘username’ Mac OS anda dan ‘staff’ untuk group,

User username-anda
Group staff

kemudian simpan dan restart xampp

Sejauh ini cara tersebut efektif untuk masalah yang saya temui, mungkin bisa juga digunakan untuk linux 🙂


How to add Post Format function in WordPress Child Theme

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We used to use our child theme of TwentyEleven for this site that support some Post Format functions including video. However several days ago, we update our WordPress site into the new one as well as updating the TwentyEleven theme. Unfortunately, I could not use video format since I modified the functions.php from the parent theme which was changed as it is updated now while my old parent’s function also updated. So I was googling how to add post format function in WordPress child theme in order to fix it. Fortunately I found the trick on and it is very useful. Below is the code and I added it into the child theme’s functions.php.

// add post-format in child theme
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'minds_setup', 11);
function minds_setup() {
    add_theme_support( 'post-formats', array( 'aside', 'link', 'gallery','status', 'quote', 'image', 'video' ));

Minds: Free Tumblr-like WordPress Twenty Eleven Child Theme

A couple of days ago, I was looking for Twenty Eleven Child Theme for this site. Luckily, I found it on in article 8 Free Twenty Eleven Child Theme by Siobhan McKeown. However, because I was looking for the theme that looks like Tumblr theme, my eyes focused directly on HUM theme by Daryl Koop. It has a fixed header (contains site title, featured image, search box and navigation section) which is located on the left side, and what I like most is its simplicity has made it a beautiful child theme. However, I made several modifications to meet my mood like you can see now. Continue reading “Minds: Free Tumblr-like WordPress Twenty Eleven Child Theme”